
作者: Warchief (破億的新人) 看板: MobileComm
標題: Re: [情報] 三星 Galaxy S III v.s. htc One X 核心
時間: Sun May 13 23:43:34 2012

前面拍照介面就不翻譯了 原筆者是右撇子當然喜歡東西放在右邊的oneX。

Both the Samsung Galaxy S III and the HTC One X feature 8 MP snappers that
are capable of 3264x2448 photos. Both feature single LED flashes on the back
and due to their zippy processors both offer 1080p and 720p video capture
with simultaneous image capture. The lens used in the Galaxy S III is
slightly wider allowing you to fit more in your frames, compared to the One X.
So let's dive right into the image quality. You'll notice that the weather
wasn't identical for the two contenders, but lighting conditions were similar
enough to make the images comparable.

S3和OX都有八百萬畫素的鏡頭 可以拍3264x2448的照片。 都有單LED閃光燈並且
都能支援1080p和720p。 而S3的鏡片稍微廣角一點。

We added the Galaxy S II to the first round of tests for good measure. As you
can see from the crops, in good lighting the Galaxy S III tends to produce
images with more detail than both its predecessor and the HTC One X.
The processing algorithm of the new Samsung flagship is much more mature, too
- it introduces very few oversharpening artifacts and loses little detail,
while still managing to keep the noise under control. The One X on the other
hand is a bit too aggressive with the sharpening and isn't doing nearly as
good a job of removing the noise.
Both contestants tend to oversaturate colors (particularly green), but the
Galaxy S III comes a little to reality.

運算程式S3也比較成熟, 並不會過度銳化一些雜訊而導致細節上的損失。
反觀oneX有點太過積極做銳化, 而導致細節遺失。
相較於oneX和S2, S3的色度也不會過度飽和, 比較接近真實。

We also tested the photos that the One X and the Galaxy S III captured, while
recording video. They are captured in 16:9 aspect ratio and have 6 megapixel
It's interesting to note that the HTC One X frames pictures differently from
the video so you always end up with a result with a wider field of view. So
if you've framed your video just right and think what you see is what you'll
get you'd be wrong. The Galaxy S III in-video shots on have the same framing
as the video.

接著比較像片品質, 用16:9, 最高畫素。
很有趣的是oneX的預覽video比較寬, 實際上拍到的並不等於螢幕上所預覽的動態畫面。
(根據原論壇最後取到的相片範圍是一樣的 所以並不知道oneX的video到底寬成怎樣)

而S3的video呈現, 和所拍到的照片就是相同範圍。

In good light, the two smartphones resolve about the same amount of detail
here, but the One X has better contrast and it sharpens its images more
aggressively, which makes its output look punchier. The Galaxy S III still
has slightly better color reproduction, though.
Things get vastly different in low light, when the bright F/2.0 optics of One
X count big time. In such conditions the HTC flagship crushes its opponent,
producing images with far less noise and much better contrast.We also tested
the photos that the One X and the Galaxy S III captured, while
recording video. They are captured in 16:9 aspect ratio and have 6 megapixel

在良好的光線底下, 兩者能夠截取到的細節量幾乎一樣。
(所以前面所說的過度積極銳化 損失細節 在原論壇討論中是不大的影響)

既然光亮處都幾乎打成平手, 讓我們轉換戰場到暗處。
擁有F/2.0光圈的oneX粉碎了它的對手, 得到更少雜訊並且更高度對比的照片。

Most devices out there offer HDR mode straight out of the camera app and so
do the Galaxy S III and HTC One X. The approach on the One X produces more
dramatic looking results, while the Galaxy S III has a pretty subtle
approach. Which solution is better is strictly a matter of personal
preference, but the Galaxy S III does resolve more detail and its highlights
aren't as exaggerated.

大部分市售手機都有HDR mode, S3和oneX也都有。 oneX上有比較戲劇化的結果,
而S3是比較微妙的, 這幾乎都是個人喜好的問題了。 但S3解決地比較仔細, 而且在

We've entered the Samsung Galaxy S III and HTC One X into our Photo
comparison tool. The tool's page will give you the full details and it's
where you can make the most comprehensive observations on the snappers
involved in this shootout.
The Galaxy S III uses its resolution advantage to easily outdo the HTC One X
in the first two charts. The two are much more evenly matched on the last
studio challenge, but the S III shot has far less noise there.

最後把S3和oneX的照片輸出到專業的圖片比較工具上, 這個工具可以清楚的顯示所有細節

S3的解析度優於oneX, S3也有比較少的噪點。

oneX贏光圈, 不怕暗, 如果光亮度都還好, S3各方面是不怕比較的。
但是如果環境亮度不佳, oneX大勝。
HDR個人喜好, 不太好比較。


但如果是我要買, 我應該會選oneX+vicoDS2(5000元) 這樣價格剛好平手
而且影片中S3是晴天拍攝, 夜晚應該還是會因為光圈而悲劇。


以這樣的價差說S3錄影強, 可以當行車記錄器, 實在無法說服別人,
因為價差5000以內可以找到不錯的行車記錄器, 還不需要裝拆裝拆裝拆。


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◆ From:
asjlk:原來S3的相機是比ONE好的... 前幾天被一些ONE粉絲騙了! 05/13 23:47
※ 編輯: Warchief 來自: (05/13 23:47)
LaVie326:說真的 OneX用展示機拍給我第一個直覺感受 - 銳化夠重 05/13 23:47
Warchief:S3的相機好 但是光圈悲劇 只要光線不充足就被OX粉碎 05/13 23:48
LaVie326:接著去調整降低銳化 直接變不清不楚XDD 05/13 23:48
wctoymr:在家樂福用過 拍了一張照片後 就放下來了 螢幕上看雜訊多 05/13 23:48
LIONDODO:OneX我都直接把銳化-2的,丟上Flickr剛剛好 05/13 23:48
Warchief:所以說 只要陰天 室內 依賴光線 S3還是很囧 05/13 23:48
LaVie326:至於S3 我實在搞不懂它為什麼繼續用F2.6的光圈...... 05/13 23:49
LIONDODO:另外GSMARENA的照片選的很囧…不同時間天氣沒得比阿 05/13 23:49
Warchief:好好的S3可以當機王無憂無慮 被2.6光圈給害了 05/13 23:50
LaVie326:如果S3能加大到F2.2 至少暗處不會輸太多XD 05/13 23:51
LaVie326:三星很奇怪捏 既然都換了感光元件 幹嘛不連光圈都用一用 05/13 23:52
iceonly:OX那幾張是陰天阿-.- 還是S3可以把陰天拍成白天? 05/13 23:55
iceonly:白天個人是不太在意,反正我手上這隻play的爛相機就滿意了 05/13 23:56
iceonly:低光源對我還是比較有吸引力 05/13 23:58
eagle36:s3 廣角是多廣? 05/14 00:04
lorleninmam:好好的機王,被他X的醜到爆炸的外型給毀了...... 05/14 00:08
※ 編輯: Warchief 來自: (05/14 00:18)
wctoymr: S3 的相機模組也是自家的嗎?? 05/14 00:09
aaa1124078:光圈2.6總歸一句還是爛(用閃光燈多醜 05/14 00:10
bluestaral:推辛苦翻譯 05/14 00:12
Makubex82:不用夜晚拍 日間室內F2.0就滿吃緊了 何況是F2.6咧 05/14 00:23
james732:想要大光圈相機,誠心推薦Nikon P300 (F1.8),俗擱大碗XD 05/14 00:25
wctoymr:其實不是光圈大就好 光圈越大成像可能越軟 05/14 00:25
Makubex82:不知道甚麼時候才會有F1.8 05/14 00:25
liarboo:也有很多鏡頭是光圈又小,成像又軟的... 05/14 00:26
onezillion:一堆小女生看到淺景深=單眼拍的,大光圈剛好可以自爽 05/14 00:27
james732:跟手機鏡頭計較成象會不會太殘忍了,要成象請上紅圈圈XD 05/14 00:27
labil01:辛苦啦 oneX銳化真的太殺了 對光源的部分真的不錯 05/14 00:29
wctoymr:不是計較成像連3點多光圈的2千元國產相機拍出來的都比較好 05/14 00:31
labil01:純粹相機來比我還是會選oneX 天氣好其實多數手機都還OK 05/14 00:32
james732:我覺得OneX的相機真的很好用,特別喜歡「連拍選最好」 05/14 00:32
labil01:所以針對智慧型手機拍照的弱點強化 比較對我胃口:P 05/14 00:32
raxxar82:手機拍照不就那樣 XD 隨身方便 還有拍出來還能看就好 05/14 00:35
raxxar82:大光圈室內拍真的比較有優勢 如果你不想看閃光燈一直跳出 05/14 00:36
hsinggg:我也覺得光圈大一點對我這輕度小嫩嫩很實用… 05/14 01:19
ByKiss:以手機的功能性來說 我也認為光圈大比較重要XD 05/14 01:20
james732:我覺得OneX拍我家的狗比450D+18-55 F3.5還好用..XDD 05/14 01:21
ByKiss:手機畢竟會經常在室內用到嘛 例如冠希哥使用機率就不小 05/14 01:24
DRAGONS:有關於照相的比較,兩台呈現出來的照片是不同時間拍攝的 05/14 01:28
DRAGONS:m01有討論 05/14 01:28
giveUstars:無論該網站動機為何 不同場景時間拍的真的沒啥好比的 05/14 01:36
Warchief:我也不懂, 同時同地拍照有這麼難嗎 05/14 01:37
Warchief:而且其他比較 只有看過oneX狂電S3 這是第一次看到光亮處 05/14 01:37
Warchief:戰成平手 05/14 01:37
hsinggg:這連結把臉都打腫了… 05/14 01:38
a780411:先看看該網站之後怎麼說明解釋吧 05/14 01:39
a780411:就這樣下定論說他們偏袒三星 其實好像也不大好 05/14 01:40
TSbb:不是HTC目前市面上最廣角? 怎麼是S3? 05/14 01:44
batt0909:看exif拍照時間不 05/14 01:53
set852064:公然造假?站方可得好好解釋了 05/14 01:56
thirdlittle:再多看幾個比較 目前只有這個比較是S3照相勝的 05/14 12:04

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